Frequently Asked Questions: Green Cone Solar Food Waste Digester
What is the recommended PLACEMENT distance from a wellhead?
We recommend a minimum range of 18-20 feet.
how do I test the GREEN CONE location for ample drainage?
Once the hole is dug, fill with water (or allow to fill with the next rainfall). If the water does not fully drain within 24-48 hours, consider a different location. Heavy clay soils that partially drain can be amended with gypsum to increase porosity in the soil's matrix. You may also dig the hole deeper than the basket and mix in materials like gravel that will improve drainage. Elevating the top of the basket slightly above grade and covering the lip of the outer cone with help minimize rainfall seeping into the basket area because the water will sheet away from the unit, rather than towards the hole.
We do not recommend situating these in full shade sections of your yard. If no sun in able to hit the unit, it will operate at the speed of a normal home compost bin. If you can find an area that receives at least 3-5 hours of sunlight, your unit will digest food waste much faster than if placed in full shade. Full, midday sun is preferred in the northern latitudes, but not critical in the southern states. Watch the sunlight in your yard for a few days before selecting the final spot.
What should I ** NOT ** throw in the green cone?
Besides the obvious - not biodegradable plastics, glass and metals - we do not recommend adding clam / mussel / oyster shells, voluminous amounts of citrus RINDS, and large amounts of cardboard or paper (coffee filters, tea bags and the occasional paper towel soaked with food waste are totally fine). Large mammalian bones and hard pits like avocado and mango are going to take years to break down - if at all. Virtually all other types kitchen food scraps are OK to add. Anything that may be contaminated wit toxins like solvents or cleaners should be avoided as well.